I just realised that today it's the 13th of July and that in just a month i will be in Sweden. My flight is from Vienna (about 6h by car) and so I and my family will drive there one day before and sleep there because my plane takes off at 8am and I've got to be there at least an hour before. So there are only 30 days left and I haven't even startet to make a list of the stuff I wanna take with me, not to mention all the other things I need to do before I leave. So there is still much to do before my departure and I will be busy packing and preparing everthing to make sure that I don't forget anything here.
Furthermore yesterday I got a call from the YFU staff and they told me that there was a family, intrested in hosting me. But I haven't got more informations about them yet, hopefully I will get more infos about them, probably within the next two weeks.