short update


it goes so fast...I have already been in Sweden for 2 and a half month! It was amazing so far and i can't even describe it in words.
I was so busy all the time and I didn't have time to write anything.


As i mentioned in one of the posts before I am playing ice hockey here in Sweden and that was also a great way to travel a little around Sweden for the matches. So I have already been all over south Sweden.

This last week was "höstlov" (autumn vacation) and YFU was offering a trip to Stockholm so the last 4 days I was in Stockholm. We visited the Vasamuseet, Skansen (where I saw älgar), the Nobelmuseet, the old city (Gamla Stan) and I met also all the other exchange students, i knew already some of them and others were new, but we had a lot of fun!

renar på skansen


en ekorre
I found out about an app called "journi" ( which is awesome to record a journey so i will be posting pictures there more frequently than here!

>>click here<<

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About me

Hi, my name is Kristian and I'm from Italy, I'm 17 years old and I've decided to spend a year in Sweden as an exchange student. I love sports, particularly ice hockey, but also mountainbiking and generally all kinds of sports.

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