short update


it goes so fast...I have already been in Sweden for 2 and a half month! It was amazing so far and i can't even describe it in words.
I was so busy all the time and I didn't have time to write anything.


As i mentioned in one of the posts before I am playing ice hockey here in Sweden and that was also a great way to travel a little around Sweden for the matches. So I have already been all over south Sweden.

This last week was "höstlov" (autumn vacation) and YFU was offering a trip to Stockholm so the last 4 days I was in Stockholm. We visited the Vasamuseet, Skansen (where I saw älgar), the Nobelmuseet, the old city (Gamla Stan) and I met also all the other exchange students, i knew already some of them and others were new, but we had a lot of fun!

renar på skansen


en ekorre
I found out about an app called "journi" ( which is awesome to record a journey so i will be posting pictures there more frequently than here!

>>click here<<

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Heja Sverige :D


I am here in Sweden for 5 days now and its quite awesome. I have been at the arrival camp in near of Stockholm and met many awesome people from all around the world.
We did some cool activities and also went swimming in the lake. One thing about Sweden that I already love is that the Swedes are eating all the time.

the lake Mälaren in Stockholm (the 3rd largest in Sweden btw)

On saturday some of the YFU members went with us to the Central Station of Stockholm where a few of us had to take the train to get to our hostfamilies the other were picked up by their hostfamily at the camp. I had to take the train to Norrköping and from there to Tranås, but the train from Stockholm was delayed so I missed the other train and had to wait for two hours in Norrköping so I decided to use the opportunity and went into city.

And then i took the train and arrived in Tranås at 3 pm.
Today I already had my first ice hockey practise with the local team and it was also really I am looking forward to a great year here in Sweden :D

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My Hostfamily...Finally

Today I finally got my hostfamily and I am so happy now. I will live in Tranås a little city in the south of Sweden, which has about 18,000 inhabitants. The city is located in the near of lake Sommen and the next bigger cities in the surroundings are Linköping and Jönkoping, which are both approximately 1 hour from Tranås away, I believe. I will also go to school in Tranås at Holavedsgymnasiet. I am also very excited that in Tranås there is an ice hockey team, Tranås AIF, and I can play with them during this year.

I have four hostsilbings, two hostsisters and two hostbrothers, but the oldest hostsister has already moved out and both hostbrothers are only at home at the weekends so most of the time there is just my younger hostsister at home.

Now that I now where I will live I am looking forward moer than ever to be there.
And btw, I just realised that there are just 13 days from now on, so there is not so much time left :D

Photo by LMJ
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Just one more month at home!

I just realised that today it's the 13th of July and that in just a month i will be in Sweden. My flight is from Vienna (about 6h by car) and so I and my family will drive there one day before and sleep there because my plane takes off at 8am and I've got to be there at least an hour before. So there are only 30 days left and I haven't even startet to make a list of the stuff I wanna take with me, not to mention all the other things I need to do before I leave. So there is still much to do before my departure and I will be busy packing and preparing everthing to make sure that I don't forget anything here.

Furthermore yesterday I got a call from the YFU staff and they told me that there was a family, intrested in hosting me. But I haven't got more informations about them yet, hopefully I will get more infos about them, probably within the next two weeks.

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welcome to my blog, my Name is Kristian, I'm 17 years old and I will spend the school year 2014/15 in Sweden as an exchange student. I`ll take off on the 13th of August and will be in Sweden for about 10 months. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and that I can encourage you to spend also a "year abroad".

Heja Sverige!
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About me

Hi, my name is Kristian and I'm from Italy, I'm 17 years old and I've decided to spend a year in Sweden as an exchange student. I love sports, particularly ice hockey, but also mountainbiking and generally all kinds of sports.

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